New Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2022

The OECD has recently announced that it will publish its revised OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines 2022 in January this year. The guidance specifies “the application of the transactional profit method and the guidance for tax administrations on the application of the approach to hard-to-value intangibles”, as well as the guidance on financial transactions between related parties, as approved in 2020.

This particular guidance on specific transfer pricing issues between related parties was earlier published in individual papers. Now, it will be integrated into the overall compendium covering 659 pages. It is forthcoming in January, according to a recent Press Release of the OECD.

The transfer pricing model of the GTP® TEAM of GTP GlobalTransferPricing Business Solutions GmbH is built upon the OECD approach. Many countries have adopted the OECD model on global transfer pricing. The Federal Ministry of Finance of Germany, for example, has formally referred its administrative principles to the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines (comp. Grundsätze Verrechnungspreise as of July 14, 2021; IV B 5 – S 1341/19/10017 :001).

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