
As data sources, we deploy state-of-the art database products for benchmarking and the “interquartile statistics”. Data from the BvD Orbis source may substitute data from Amadeus, Ruslana, Osiris, etc. Data may also be sourced from ktMine, IntangibleSpring, Moody’s, OECD statistics, market data statistics, internal data, etc.

The following modules and packages are available:

Areas of Application

  • GTP® Benchmarks for the arm’s length assessment
    • In line with best practice approaches of the international tax authorizations
    • As a stand alone component or as part of the GTP® MANAGER
    • Can be defined for each type of profit level indicator; default: EBIT, gross margin, net cost markup, gross markup, but also prices and cost ratios
    • Interquartile statistics as per period and multi-period averages
    • Other performance indicators can be defined
  • Interquartile ranges for profitability indicators, license rates, prices
  • By country, industry, product and service types, function types, time series
  • Deployed for budgeting processes, as markup or sales margins
  • Price setting approaches & ex post documentation concepts
  • Do-it-yourself concept: We are also able to deliver preconfigured data sets for client-specific analysis. Simply use our xlsx tools.